Small Desk, Beautiful View
As life spins and tosses me, I just look out my window to gaze upon views that rival any a person has seen. I have been discovering songs of late that keep pulling me up from feeling sorry for myself and closer to feeling more secure on my two feet. Until this past month, I hadn't known what I was getting myself into moving out and learning to become self-reliant. No one can prepare you for the fear and faith it takes to make that leap out to be on your own. I wonder if there are those of you out there in Blogger world who can sympathize with me... or even basically understand. It's so different knowing that you don't have a "home" to go to once the summer comes around or the Christmas holiday time. Actually, it's just weird realizing that you don't have a home like you'd think about normally. I have a place I pay rent for. A place where I have some friends.... but for the most part I've joined the nomadic ranks of Gypies. Yes, I have been going through much hurt and confusion right now. Yes, I am not where I would like to be nor where I wish I could be, but at the same time I know the Lord has been watching over me like a hawk. I have had more help in this life I call mine than I give acknowledgements for. And, maybe I've just been too locked down into my hurting to realize that things aren't as bad as I think they have been.
So, tying in the title of this post... my desk area is about three feet by four feet... really small. I don't really need much space because I don't take up much space. However, there are two redeeming qualities to my area in my office: the view from my chair out the window, and the people I share my cubicle with. The view always catches my breath because you never know what you'll see... hills enshrouded by rain clouds or crystal blue sky highlighting the levels of the hills. The people I work with are just plain awesome. Great sense of humors and just pleasant to be around in general.
In the end... it's not so bad really. There are confusing parts and stressful parts. Parts that hurt and parts that cause tears, but that's nothing special. The parts are special, but the things that go on resulting from the parts aren't unique. We all have pains, hurts, losses, confusions, laughter... happies. It's life.
So, tying in the title of this post... my desk area is about three feet by four feet... really small. I don't really need much space because I don't take up much space. However, there are two redeeming qualities to my area in my office: the view from my chair out the window, and the people I share my cubicle with. The view always catches my breath because you never know what you'll see... hills enshrouded by rain clouds or crystal blue sky highlighting the levels of the hills. The people I work with are just plain awesome. Great sense of humors and just pleasant to be around in general.
In the end... it's not so bad really. There are confusing parts and stressful parts. Parts that hurt and parts that cause tears, but that's nothing special. The parts are special, but the things that go on resulting from the parts aren't unique. We all have pains, hurts, losses, confusions, laughter... happies. It's life.
Interestingly enough, I know exactly how you feel. I have been going through this EXACT same thing this summer. I didn't know that I would be coming back to Hawaii and supporting yourself with a full time job is no easy task. Espcially when you are in Hawaii and the job market sucks. Anyway, God bless you and good luck.
Davey From The Block, at 4:22 AM
thats right try to keep your eye on the positive things like me being there in 9days :). chin up and see you soon.
E.Marie, at 9:14 AM
home is where the heart is yea? that's the confuzing do you split your heart in such a way that no one is jipped and you still feel at home where you are? hum...i dunno if that came out right but oh well. luv ya see ya soon! then we'll party!
Kelsey, at 7:34 AM
Yay for desks with b-e-a-utiful views!! Wish I had a view, all I've got are the three and a half walls of my cubicle. LOL. Ah well. I can always dream. ^_^
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