Interactions, pt. 5
With this thought in mind, I sat and waited for the noises to begin again. Like clockwork, the noises and glowing started up again. Excited, I grabbed my notebook and ran toward the glowing. Thinking that I had figured out the mystery to the earlier disappearance, I began to feel great confidence in my supposed discovery. While sitting near the glow, it slowly crept toward me. I didn't even notice the air around me lighten bit by bit because I was so engrossed in recording my thoughts and findings. By the time I realized that something was going on, it was much too late to do a thing. Completely enveloped in the light, I began to feel drowsy and my thoughts came as garbled and butchered words. The last thing I remember thinking of that night was when I would head off to bed.
I awoke to the pinched face of a child no older than eight or nine turns. Varying shades of black wrapped around me again as that pinched face haunted the darkness of loosing consciousness again. My next conscious moment was spent trying to communicate with a man poking and proding me with strange medical instruments. As I began to realize that the words I tried to use were coming out as moans and garbbled gibberish, I let go of my fear and apprehension for the time being. Slowly, I moved my head to try and take in my surroundings. The man looked like men from where I knew as home. His mannerisms were quite odd, but nothing I hadn't become accustomed to in my studies of communications back on the Reservation. Something that completely threw me off was the way that the doctor kept his distance from the one nurse that was helping, and I use helping in a very liberal sense.
The doctor walked away as his nurse came to me seeming very distressed. Confused, I once again tried my hand at communicating. More moans came out of my mouth, but I was at least able to form enough words to have the nurse look puzzled more than distressed. I found out later that the nurse was afraid of me because of the strange noises I was making while the doctor was checking me out. No idea what kind of noises I might have been making, but I thought at the time that that was a strange thing to be concerned about.
I awoke to the pinched face of a child no older than eight or nine turns. Varying shades of black wrapped around me again as that pinched face haunted the darkness of loosing consciousness again. My next conscious moment was spent trying to communicate with a man poking and proding me with strange medical instruments. As I began to realize that the words I tried to use were coming out as moans and garbbled gibberish, I let go of my fear and apprehension for the time being. Slowly, I moved my head to try and take in my surroundings. The man looked like men from where I knew as home. His mannerisms were quite odd, but nothing I hadn't become accustomed to in my studies of communications back on the Reservation. Something that completely threw me off was the way that the doctor kept his distance from the one nurse that was helping, and I use helping in a very liberal sense.
The doctor walked away as his nurse came to me seeming very distressed. Confused, I once again tried my hand at communicating. More moans came out of my mouth, but I was at least able to form enough words to have the nurse look puzzled more than distressed. I found out later that the nurse was afraid of me because of the strange noises I was making while the doctor was checking me out. No idea what kind of noises I might have been making, but I thought at the time that that was a strange thing to be concerned about.
ohh good good. what happened to her in the light? I miss you can t wait to see ya soon.
E.Marie, at 9:49 PM
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