These come, for me, when I least expect them but need them the most. Epiphany, by definition, is a sudden clear meaning of something... usually life changing. Well, I had one yesterday that I hope will change my life such that I can finally grab the ladder that has been lowered for me to use to climb out of this hole I've fallen into. This epiphany... "be still and know that I am God."
Share some epiphanies of yours. As many as you think of.
Share some epiphanies of yours. As many as you think of.
Know thyself.
Davey From The Block, at 4:34 AM
Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Davey From The Block, at 4:35 AM
i don't have a brain so i can't have epiphanies.
Kelsey, at 7:09 PM
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