What's in a Muse?
A thought struck me this morning as I was cleaning in the office. Muses are found in all things. After reading Judge's blog about his muse, I started thinking about my muses. They come in all kinds of shapes, colors, smells and persons. Some last longer than others, and some leave such a deep impact on one's soul that they never lose the power of the muse. The Greek's knew what they were talking about when they spoke of their muses in art, music and..... heh ^^;.... I know there's three, but I can't remember number three. C'est la vie. My personal muses are many. Rain, my niece Ariel, my dog Trey... every one of my friends can get my creative juices flowing. Chocolate... egg rolls and even soft fleece fabrics blow open the dam that holds these juices at bay within me.
The power of a muse and being a muse is phenominal. Being affected in such a way that the world you knew is more vivid and caddywampus changes who you are. Muses sing to us in a way that teachers, books and the Spirit sometimes can't. Muses are powerful, but they also are only that way because we, those affected by them, give them that power. (: I thrive off of feeling that way... no matter how impractical it may be. We are here in this life to learn how to live and enjoy living. Bumps and bruises come along the path, but alluding back to another Judge post, these help us to realize the fragility of mortality. As this realization settles in, one can have the clarity one needs to look around and find something that sings to them and be their muse.
The power of a muse and being a muse is phenominal. Being affected in such a way that the world you knew is more vivid and caddywampus changes who you are. Muses sing to us in a way that teachers, books and the Spirit sometimes can't. Muses are powerful, but they also are only that way because we, those affected by them, give them that power. (: I thrive off of feeling that way... no matter how impractical it may be. We are here in this life to learn how to live and enjoy living. Bumps and bruises come along the path, but alluding back to another Judge post, these help us to realize the fragility of mortality. As this realization settles in, one can have the clarity one needs to look around and find something that sings to them and be their muse.
Muses are awesome and you find them in the strangest places. IT is awesome how you can get on such a role with them.
E.Marie, at 8:33 AM
Sometimes nothing can be a good muse. Just clearing your mind opens a world of possibilty that's beyond my comprehension.
And Stuff,
Vasu Chetty, at 3:47 PM
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