The Blues of Beginning My Final Semester
Though many of us are trying to deny it, tomorrow is the first official day of classes here at BYU-Hawai'i. It signifies the beginning of the end really. Why you might be thinking? Well, I graduate in June. :D
It is scary and sad at the same time though. I am excited to be able to move on with my life and start exploring this gigantic world that I live in, but at the same time I am reluctant to leave this life that I've known for the past three years. I love who I've become while living in this paradise. The people who live here are amazing, and wonderful living text books on how life should and shouldn't be lived. I have learned more from living here than I ever would anywhere else. People from all over the world have come into my life via this school. Because I am an International Cultural Studies major, this campus has been a living text book for me. The daily interactions of people from across the globe are imprinted on my brain and cross-referenced with the many things I have learned within and out of the classroom here.
Not many people can say that they've lived in an area where almost half of the residents are from outside of the US. Those people who have attended school here at one point or another know what I'm talking about. In everyday life, I see so many people that need to just open their eyes a little more to see the potential it holds for them. Really, every one needs to realize that if they were to open their eyes just a little more that they'd see so much more of the world around them that there might be less depression and even war.
I have thought many days and nights about where my life should go after I graduate in June, but none of the options I've come across right now really jump at me. There's so much I want to do with my life, and yet nothing specific. I just want to experience it to the fullest. Heavenly Father did put us on this Earth to have joy and gain as much experience as we can. So, I say why not pick a road and see where it leads me.
Only the Lord knows for sure where my life will go and what purpose it holds. I know that as long as I remain prayerful and faithful that He will give me the answers and guidance I need. I can only hope to remember to keep my ears open to the whisperings and promptings of the Spirit. The options in life are endless, so why should we even stop to try and limit ourselves. We can acheive anything in this life as long as we want it badly enough. I know that every single person on this Earth has that potential. There is so much good in people, many just don't know how to see it anymore.
If this entry seems like an amalgamation of many ideas, it is because these are the thoughts that have been running through my mind. Although I do admit that some have meandered through my mind. ;) My thoughts also go out to those people in Southeastern Asia who have been impacted by the earthshake and tsunamis. I have seen pictures from that area that are both uplifting and sorrowful, and I can't imagine what must be going through these people's minds.
In spite of all the hurt in the world, there must be some way for people to transform themselves into beings who can see beyond themselves and recognize that they fit into a much larger scheme and life plan. There must be a way for people to realize that they really do impact those around them, and if they do something stupid, they aren't the only ones to feel the hurt that results from mistakes. I truly wish that someday, an intelligent, streetwise person will be able to come up a way for people to find healing for their broken wings. Personally, I know that the Lord provides a way for many to find this healing, but few partake in it anymore. I know that a Telestial being can help other Telestial beings to find their way to healing.
Now for a totally random comment. I came to the realization yesterday that Heavenly Father must have an awesome sense of humor. The best example I can think of to express this is the duck-billed platapus. I mean come on... it's one of the funniest looking creatures ever. Another example I can come up with, that I know people can relate to, is the fact that He likes to bless people with meeting the kind of people they said they'd never date or put them into situations that they said they'd never be in. My best girl friend and I always made fun of the girls who got married at 18 and 19, but wait a minute... she got married at 19. ;) For myself, I never wanted to be in a long distance relationship, but I find myself in one that I am so glad to be a part of.
Anyway, for those of you who made it this far, thanks for your patience and desire to know what I have to say. I love seeing what you have to write about what I write.
It is scary and sad at the same time though. I am excited to be able to move on with my life and start exploring this gigantic world that I live in, but at the same time I am reluctant to leave this life that I've known for the past three years. I love who I've become while living in this paradise. The people who live here are amazing, and wonderful living text books on how life should and shouldn't be lived. I have learned more from living here than I ever would anywhere else. People from all over the world have come into my life via this school. Because I am an International Cultural Studies major, this campus has been a living text book for me. The daily interactions of people from across the globe are imprinted on my brain and cross-referenced with the many things I have learned within and out of the classroom here.
Not many people can say that they've lived in an area where almost half of the residents are from outside of the US. Those people who have attended school here at one point or another know what I'm talking about. In everyday life, I see so many people that need to just open their eyes a little more to see the potential it holds for them. Really, every one needs to realize that if they were to open their eyes just a little more that they'd see so much more of the world around them that there might be less depression and even war.
I have thought many days and nights about where my life should go after I graduate in June, but none of the options I've come across right now really jump at me. There's so much I want to do with my life, and yet nothing specific. I just want to experience it to the fullest. Heavenly Father did put us on this Earth to have joy and gain as much experience as we can. So, I say why not pick a road and see where it leads me.
Only the Lord knows for sure where my life will go and what purpose it holds. I know that as long as I remain prayerful and faithful that He will give me the answers and guidance I need. I can only hope to remember to keep my ears open to the whisperings and promptings of the Spirit. The options in life are endless, so why should we even stop to try and limit ourselves. We can acheive anything in this life as long as we want it badly enough. I know that every single person on this Earth has that potential. There is so much good in people, many just don't know how to see it anymore.
If this entry seems like an amalgamation of many ideas, it is because these are the thoughts that have been running through my mind. Although I do admit that some have meandered through my mind. ;) My thoughts also go out to those people in Southeastern Asia who have been impacted by the earthshake and tsunamis. I have seen pictures from that area that are both uplifting and sorrowful, and I can't imagine what must be going through these people's minds.
In spite of all the hurt in the world, there must be some way for people to transform themselves into beings who can see beyond themselves and recognize that they fit into a much larger scheme and life plan. There must be a way for people to realize that they really do impact those around them, and if they do something stupid, they aren't the only ones to feel the hurt that results from mistakes. I truly wish that someday, an intelligent, streetwise person will be able to come up a way for people to find healing for their broken wings. Personally, I know that the Lord provides a way for many to find this healing, but few partake in it anymore. I know that a Telestial being can help other Telestial beings to find their way to healing.
Now for a totally random comment. I came to the realization yesterday that Heavenly Father must have an awesome sense of humor. The best example I can think of to express this is the duck-billed platapus. I mean come on... it's one of the funniest looking creatures ever. Another example I can come up with, that I know people can relate to, is the fact that He likes to bless people with meeting the kind of people they said they'd never date or put them into situations that they said they'd never be in. My best girl friend and I always made fun of the girls who got married at 18 and 19, but wait a minute... she got married at 19. ;) For myself, I never wanted to be in a long distance relationship, but I find myself in one that I am so glad to be a part of.
Anyway, for those of you who made it this far, thanks for your patience and desire to know what I have to say. I love seeing what you have to write about what I write.
Feels good to wirte some stuff out doesnt it. I am sure you will find where you need to go next. It always happens one second you have no idea where your going with life and the next you are doing something you have always wanted to without realizing it. Just remember to smile and stay true.
Be happy.
E.Marie, at 8:50 AM
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