The Killer in Finals
Four down, one more to go. This year and semester, my finals have really been difficult. Granted I am in my senior year, but really, my teachers have kicked up the difficult level about sixty notches. Okay, so really only about five or six, but still. When studying philosophy, theory and strategic study methods for cutlural studies, it wears on a person. My friends, and especially my roommate, have been awesome patient with me. Sometimes I forget that I am not the only person with finals, and who's written a short, almost hundred page, novel now that the semester is almost over. Next semester is my senior seminar when I work on creating a senior paper. Woowho!!!! Go me!!
Yes, anyway, after a night of hurrying to finish my two take-home finals, I now find myself sleep deprived and feeling giddy. Home is just two days and a plane trip away. I can't wait. Yeah, so this post is just an appetizer. I will write a much better one when my brain has had sufficient time to recover from the mass amounts of paper writing it has had to do. Viva la finals and cramming!!! For now, Mele Kalikimaka y'all.
Yes, anyway, after a night of hurrying to finish my two take-home finals, I now find myself sleep deprived and feeling giddy. Home is just two days and a plane trip away. I can't wait. Yeah, so this post is just an appetizer. I will write a much better one when my brain has had sufficient time to recover from the mass amounts of paper writing it has had to do. Viva la finals and cramming!!! For now, Mele Kalikimaka y'all.
Yea Mandie
HEHE ohh wait i already know your done with finals. hehehe. well se you round
E.Marie, at 11:50 PM
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