Battosai Meets Captain Caf... *dum, dum, dum*
Chapter 4: Battosai Meets Captain Caf
Skipping a chapter in the annuls of Captain Caf's adventures, the mystical third roommate had an interesting encounter one balmy afternoon. On her way to recharge her energy with some high quality french vanilla frozen energy, she and some friends met up with an unique tiny creature on their journey. At this meeting, she was intrigued and captivated by this thing, small yet brave enoughto venture up to the much larger creature that Capt. Caf is. This bravery impressed her so that she broke out Kokoro and tried herself to capture the essence of this amazing little creature. The tall friend of Capt. Caf looked to the miniscule mammal, and decided that for it to be worth recognizing, it needed a naming ceremony.
Circling around the three friends, the mammal looked up once at the tall friend, and she named it in an instant. "Die Battosai!!!!" she said as she giggled and watched the thing meander around her and her friends. As she said that, she realized that Battosai was now looking at her with approval of the name it was given after the ceremony. To prove its ferocity and that the name fit, the creature laid down in the road and attacked our feet. Once again intrigued by this behavior, Capt. Caf took out Kokoro again and captured some more of Battosai's essence.
Four legs, furry and colored with blacks and whites and a fifth leg that stood straight up when pleased, this new creature, Battosai as it was newly named, decided that Capt. Caf and her friends were now it's friends and started to follow them on their journey for refreshment and energy. This puzzled Capt. Caf and her friends. With each step brought this tiny adventurer farther away from where we met it. The confusion increased as the three friends tried to fend off the advances of Battosai, and encouraged it back toward it's home. The more steps the friends took, the more steps Battosai took.
When we stopped, it stopped. When we walked faster, it trotted to catch up with us. It nearly tripped the tall one on many occasions. As each step brought the three closer to the frequently travelled road, Battosai was faithfully following them. Nothing they did kept the little Battosai away for long. Whether it took time to groom itself or the tall one tried to chase it off, Battosai was making every effort it could to stay faithful and true to it's newly adopted companions. If the tall ones, in it's eyes, moved their legs faster, it would trot to catch up to them. If the tall ones stopped to turn around, Battosai became encouraged and ran to catch up.
As the frequently travelled path was nearing, the trio thought that they would lose their tiny shadow as soon as the roars would deter it. Alas, Battosai kept up their pace. To their astonishment, it even followed them across the busy path and to the sandy shore just outside the house of one of the Capt's friend's house. This tiny creature began to intrigue the three as much as the three intrigued it. Lost and lonely seeming, Battosai stuck close to Capt. Caf and her friends while they wandered around the yard of the house. The quest for energy came up short for the friend whose house they journeyed to was locked, and she had no key to enter. In another attempt to get rid of Battosai, the tall friend began to kick sand at the poor creature. As the sand swirled around it's face, Battosai once again grew fierce and attacked the poofs of sand around it. The trio had a tough decision to make now, for none of them could take the poor creature and care for it even though, despite themselves, they grew attached to the small creature.
Realizing what they need to do, the three walked their four-legged friend back to where they first met it. They tried everything they could think of to get Battosai to stay at its house. They walked it to its yard, yet it walked back to them. They put it in its yard, yet it walked back to them. They put it farther in the yard, yet it still walked back to them. Finally, a fourth friend walked up and greeted the group, and saw the comical situation in front of her as the three tried to run off the tiny, furry one. The fourth friend watched for about five more minutes before she tried something. She scooped up Battosai, now called "Little Prick" by the tall one, and with the help of Capt. Caf, deposited the little creature back into its yard and in an old garden. After they put back Battosai... er, Little Prick, the two ran as fast as they could to get away from the tiny creature so as to not have it follow them again.
With that, the four friends happily walked away knowing that they would no longer have a shadow follow them. Some sorrow followed because they four had grown attached to their tiny friend. Its bravery and loyalty amazed them. And thus ends another chapter in the anuls of our illustrious superhero and her life on the emerald land in the middle of the sapphire land. May Battosai... Little Prick, have the best life available for a kitten of his valor.
Danielle, at 7:06 PM
You should have mailed that creature to Beijing. I'm sure Fei would be more than happy to adopt Battosai... er, Little Prick...what do these names mean anyway E?!!
Su Chong, at 11:46 AM
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