Ride on Space Cowgirl: The Work Annals

Monday, March 21, 2005

Striving Toward the Spirit

As the stresses of school and a huge life change hit home, I'm realizing more and more how vital the Gospel and its guidance is. There isn't much time that goes by during my waking hours that I don't ponder things using the Gospel. If I try to take anyone else on this path I'm currently treading, forgive me.... I try not to pull people around with me. I just hope people are enjoying the ride. ;)


  • Drag all you want hun. everyone can use a little more spirituality in their lives especially in times of stress.

    By Blogger E.Marie, at 9:27 AM  

  • Ride like the wind bullseye ;).

    And Stuff,

    By Blogger Vasu Chetty, at 6:33 PM  

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