Solace of Friendship
Some of the best things in life come in packages from other people. Smiles, hugs, kisses... just the presence of another is uplifting. That's what I needed from last night. The smiles, hugs and just being around people who want you to be happy makes it difficult to dwell on more depressing matters like failing a test. ;) In spite of whatever downcast day I may be having, as soon as I get something genuine from a friend, my day takes a 180 and I could skip and whistle again. One of the best things ever is to hear the voices of those in your circle of friends each echoing the other in acknowledging your presence. There's nothing like a friend acknowleding your presence to pull you out of whatever deep recesses of negative emotions to have the shutters of your mind be torn open to let in some of the surrounding light and positive feelings that continuously surround me.
i like to be the one that makes ppl's day change. i wonder if i'm any good at it sometimes.
i totally understand too. loud ppl can almost always make me feel better
Kelsey, at 4:20 PM
I will always be around to make you smile and give hugs. cause you make me smile and give me hugs. a persons one act can change the rest of your day and sometimes you life.
E.Marie, at 2:47 PM
Amen sista :D
Amanda/Mandie, at 8:01 PM
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