A Dying Breed...
I just want to say that gentlemen are a dying breed and endangered species. Standing when a woman leaves the table, holding doors open for those behind, just being all around considerate... it really makes life worthwhile for me when a guy goes out of his way to do any of these things. Getting escorted or having him take my bag off my shoulder or being given a guy's jacket when I'm cold but too prideful to admit it. These are some of the things that make up the complex, sometimes lonely life of the gentleman. He is friendly to all and polite to boot. He is conscientious and willing to bend over backwards in order to make a woman's day or even minute. In my opinion, being a gentleman does not make a man less of one, in fact it makes him more handsome and masculine. It's appreciated when a guy is willing to lift up a woman who is in need of his strength when she cannot take another step or is injured. Men who are willing to put aside their pride and do these things are more manly in my eyes than the ones who open doors long enough to walk through and slam into the face of the person behind them and the ones who refuse to escort women (escort = putting their arm through your arm) on dates. Also, men who are willing to get things for the woman, like food if they're at a buffet kind of dinner place, are included in this group.
There is nothing weak or girlie about being a hopeless romantic who gives the girl the shirt off his back. Nor is there anything wrong with being the most genteel in life by doing any one of these things.
There is nothing weak or girlie about being a hopeless romantic who gives the girl the shirt off his back. Nor is there anything wrong with being the most genteel in life by doing any one of these things.
AMEN TO THAT!!! If only there were more of them in this world. It would make it such a great place.
E.Marie, at 10:27 PM
dude mike you ok, sounds like you need a hug bro. I think it is true that the gentleman are rare these days. We are in hiding ,but not gone. I would also like to bring up the fact that holdiong open doors and such doesn't make a gentleman. It's an attitude towards women. A man once told me even a evil guy can hold open a door. It's more then just looking like one, it is having meaning in your actions.
Judge of the Whetten's, at 10:57 PM
But what if the man that is being a gentlemen is ugly or creepy looking? Perhaps he doesn't fit into "the norm". I think there are more gentlemen around than you can see in your world of gum-drops and lollie-pops.
Anonymous, at 11:11 PM
Well, all I know is that I'd like to see/meet more of them. I only know a very small few. *sings* Where have all the good men gone and, where are all the gods?*stops singing to the relief of many, heehee* Love that song...it's so true for me, in a way...
Shaleen, at 9:18 AM
Wait...how does one know if they are an ugo? And what this world of gum drops you speak of. I would like to buy a ticket to go there. I also like that song.
Judge of the Whetten's, at 8:10 PM
Since Kitsune pointed out Anonymous' post, I will also. I have no idea where you got the idea that I live in a world of fluff. I'm only pointing out the fact that it's nice to be around guys of quality again. Gentlemen are hard to find, even among the LDS community in which I live.
Amanda/Mandie, at 9:58 PM
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