Things I've Been Told
I'm at the point in my life where I need to start trying to figure out my next step, and you know, I've got no idea what that should be. I've got plenty of options and contacts, but I just don't feel inclined toward any one option right now. I want to be near my family because I miss them dearly, yet I'm being told to be selfish and do waht I want. I begin to think about being selfish, and I'm told to move closer to people who love me. ACK!!!!! Talk about frustrating. I have prayed about where my next step should be, and I don't get an answer. I really want to experience life, but really, I'm tired of not having someone to come home to. Well, here's the paradox, I'm happy right now being single. I'm happy that I can just do something on a whim and not confer with a spouse if it would be okay. There is really a lot that I can do when I'm done in Hawaii. Well, talking with another person, they pointed out that maybe I should stay in Hawaii for another year if I can. I don't know what's going on, but I do know that the Lord will give me light. I will know where I need to go, maybe right now is not the time for me to know. I have made a decision though, and that is to focus on bettering myself and working on my friendships. On this, I've had a friend tell me how lucky I am to be able to restart old hobbies. You know, he's right. I've thoroughly enjoyed getting back into reading and writing. I've been doing some sketching even. I even spend time to meditate and think, contemplate the mysteries of the universe, my universe.
I wonder if I'm just holding myself back. I wonder if I'm allowing fears to constrain me from doing that which I should be doing, or could be doing. This is something I haven't talked with anyone about, and I probably won't ever talk to anyone about. I already have a difficult enough time talking about where my future could lead me, mainly because everytime I do talk to someone, I think of yet another option I could go after and become more confused. I am very much not used to frequent change. I know, sad, but I grew up all in one place really. I was only in two different school districts growing up. I keep thinking that I've done plenty of jumps in life, but maybe I haven't done enough. I know that whatever choice I end up making, it will be a large jump. I really want to go back to Japan, but I get the feeling that if I do, I might miss something. Although, this is the first time that I've thought that that thought might be something planted by Satan to disuade me from going. Maybe Japan is the place I need to go next. I am so close to getting the language. Watching anime really has helped me. As strange as that might sound. Well, at this point I need to just go for something and see where the path pans out.
I wonder if I'm just holding myself back. I wonder if I'm allowing fears to constrain me from doing that which I should be doing, or could be doing. This is something I haven't talked with anyone about, and I probably won't ever talk to anyone about. I already have a difficult enough time talking about where my future could lead me, mainly because everytime I do talk to someone, I think of yet another option I could go after and become more confused. I am very much not used to frequent change. I know, sad, but I grew up all in one place really. I was only in two different school districts growing up. I keep thinking that I've done plenty of jumps in life, but maybe I haven't done enough. I know that whatever choice I end up making, it will be a large jump. I really want to go back to Japan, but I get the feeling that if I do, I might miss something. Although, this is the first time that I've thought that that thought might be something planted by Satan to disuade me from going. Maybe Japan is the place I need to go next. I am so close to getting the language. Watching anime really has helped me. As strange as that might sound. Well, at this point I need to just go for something and see where the path pans out.
Unfortunately, you usually can't see where a road is going to take you. Sometimes you need to get on a road and take steps in faith - if it is a good road, you'll know. If not, you'll know to get on a different road. Thus far, your roads have taken you to interesting and faith building locations. Don't get too uptight about where the road is ultimately going to lead, just continue to enjoy the journey and make a positive impact on those who happen to cross your path. You're great!
Anonymous, at 3:29 PM
What a coincidence, today at my home ward Relief Society, several sisters bore testimonies and talked about their prayers being answered years and years later..One of my beloved sister's hudband just got baptised, after 26 years of praying and hoping and steadfastness..And I'm glad I came home this Christmas to witness that. Another sister waited 16 years to finally see her husband hold a calling in church and start working to bring his family to the temple.
If there's anything that I've been touched by today, it is this: often, answers to prayers come with LOTS of patience and in the Lord's timing.
My move to Provo was a leap of faith that I probably didn't realise as much until I look back and think about what I just did. I prayed about it, leaving Hawaii and going to Provo, but didn't exactly get a burning in my bosom. What I DID feel was no objection to this desire. My desire. The Lord didn't have any objections to this choice I wanted to make. In fact, He helped me achieve this desire. Both BYU-H and BYU are good for me, but now I can see how much Provo has stretched me and I have much to learn in the years to come. I love BYU.
Thank you for being in Hawaii when you were. I'm glad our paths crossed. You'll be loved where ever you choose to go. One day you will come home to somebody and we'll be smiling along with you =)
Su Chong, at 10:13 PM
Su, thank you for sharing that. I forget that I won't always have the loud confirmation that what I want to do is okay for me. In fact, I completely forgot that usually the Lord waits to see faith and patience when answering prayer. Heh, silly me. ^^; Well, I could always do the leap of faith thing and go where my heart wishes me to be... which right now is Japan teaching English. Now shh, don't tell anyone I said that even though it's written on my blog now. ;)
Amanda/Mandie, at 4:04 PM
And hey, if that doesn't work out, let a sistah hook you up with an English teaching job here in Beijing!
Sometimes, there are no right or wrong answers, just an array of options which are good.
As long as you are focussed on doing the right thing, I know you will find the path you're meant to take. Keep it up, girl!
Fei, at 12:14 PM
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Fei, at 12:14 PM
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