Enter Mr. Green: Capt Caf's Nemesis
On a night that was as unusual as the lunar calender, Capt Caf's daily adventures led her to a string of performances where she met that which would become her nemesis: Mr. Green. She was accompanied by two of her acquaintances, Saru and one who has no name. At the performances, people who she knew as peers, like the great OmegaDragonflyShem and the Trumpeter, showed off their musical abilities all the while Mr. Green floated and waited for his chance to attack. As the performance came to an end, Capt Caf and her friends decided that there was plenty of time left in the night to do some general ruckus and hanging out. After meeting Mr. Green, Capt Caf welcomed it with open arms into her group of friends, bringing the number up to three acquaintances instead of two.
The night continued on as the trio blissfully ignored Mr. Green. The concert came to a conclusion, and the group of friends wondered where next they should go. Saru came up with the idea for them to head over to a gaming club called the Rat Lab. This place was a happening club where only the best were allowed to come play. That night, quakes were felt as Capt Caf, Saru and the other one played their best in realms unfamiliar to them. All the while Mr. Green hovered and waited for his chance to strike at Capt Caf. It waited for when she paid little attention to it, and then struck. It swooped down from the sky to attack her. Perplexed at the attack, Capt Caf grabbed her head after being hit by Mr. Green. Saru and the other looked on in horror as they realized that they had allowed one of Capt Caf's enemies to get close enough to attack.
Helpless, the two friends watched as Capt Caf fought with Mr. Green... a loud bang noise could be heard in the Rat Lab, as all looked on at the defeat of Capt Caf's most powerful nemesis, Mr. Green. With its defeat, Capt Caf continued on in her night, combatting hunger and trying her hardest to distract Saru in his gaming.
The night continued on as the trio blissfully ignored Mr. Green. The concert came to a conclusion, and the group of friends wondered where next they should go. Saru came up with the idea for them to head over to a gaming club called the Rat Lab. This place was a happening club where only the best were allowed to come play. That night, quakes were felt as Capt Caf, Saru and the other one played their best in realms unfamiliar to them. All the while Mr. Green hovered and waited for his chance to strike at Capt Caf. It waited for when she paid little attention to it, and then struck. It swooped down from the sky to attack her. Perplexed at the attack, Capt Caf grabbed her head after being hit by Mr. Green. Saru and the other looked on in horror as they realized that they had allowed one of Capt Caf's enemies to get close enough to attack.
Helpless, the two friends watched as Capt Caf fought with Mr. Green... a loud bang noise could be heard in the Rat Lab, as all looked on at the defeat of Capt Caf's most powerful nemesis, Mr. Green. With its defeat, Capt Caf continued on in her night, combatting hunger and trying her hardest to distract Saru in his gaming.
I like it! I remember it all better now then I had earlier. stupid mr green ehhehehe
Kelsey, at 1:42 AM
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