Ride on Space Cowgirl: The Work Annals

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Sudden Realization

I was texting a friend of mine about how I forgot to make a phone call, and I said to him that there is always tomorrow - but as I think about things, I'm running out of tomorrow's here. In exactly two weeks from today, I'll be in an airport awaiting my plane to go home. It's scary when I think about, but I choose to think about it because I need to embrace everything that I have left to embrace before I leave. The mornings and evenings that I bike by the temple, the malasadas, the beach and sounds of the surf. As the Aerosmith song says, "I don't wanna miss a thing."

I hope I continue to wake up every day with this attitude; especially my last few days on the island but also for the rest of my life.


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