Ride on Space Cowgirl: The Work Annals

Friday, July 07, 2006

Someone Spilled Turpentine

Just past the corner of my vision, I see a blurring that seems to be spreading. It started out small, smaller than a dot. Now, it's spreading, threatening to burst into my line of sight. Something is holding it at bay however. Maybe the quaint painting I created has a mistake in it and that's why things aren't quite as they used to be. My apprentanceship is nowhere near complete, and for that, I must accept that the Master will allow change to happen, sometimes bringing it himself. I'm okay with that for I know that my skills are incomplete and juvenile. I have a lot of growing and maturing to do, and this is just the next step of many in the path to becoming a master one day.

The spilled turpentine is a test, and I recognize it as such. Will I find the strength and willpower to pass this yest?


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