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So... the past week or so has opened my eyes to the many possibilities of life. Not only have the possibilities been revealed, but also the infinite paths that lay ahead. Everyone has this multitude of paths in front of them. Kinda scary to think that one decision will lead you down any number of them, and that path can be both for the good and bad. There are so many wonderful things life has to offer us.
E has taken one of the many in choosing to go on the cruise that she's on right now instead of staying here for Spring. Though there are many of us who miss her, she's enriching her life.
Vasu has taken one of serving a mission. Only those who have served missions can know what pearls he'll receive on this path.
Those of us at college have choosen to increase our knowledge of something. This causes us to add more dimensions to ourselves or just deepen an existing one.
There are pluses and minuses to the things we choose to do with our lives, but I have yet to see anything that has no plus and also nothing without a minus. Rob put it in the form of a business term, "opportunity cost." My opportunity cost of coming back to graduate was not being able to stay near Alan and my family; especially my constantly growing nieces and nephew.
Sometimes making these decisions in life scares us spitless while others excite us to no end. Is there any denying that no matter the outcome or the path taken, these decisions will forever more alter who we were?
This marathon of mine isn't even articulated as well as I had hoped I could. The title... well let's just say that it applies in so much as you want it to. I am not writing this post as council or to pursuade anyone. My thoughts as senioritis courses through my system, slowly taking control of all my faculties. I am not ready to give up this life yet. I'm so happy with the family I have established here in the islands. Drama is very much a part of this family, like any other nuclear family. Fraught with emotions and love, we push on. I will forever be changed for good because of them.
Also, remember to wear your sun screen. (;
E has taken one of the many in choosing to go on the cruise that she's on right now instead of staying here for Spring. Though there are many of us who miss her, she's enriching her life.
Vasu has taken one of serving a mission. Only those who have served missions can know what pearls he'll receive on this path.
Those of us at college have choosen to increase our knowledge of something. This causes us to add more dimensions to ourselves or just deepen an existing one.
There are pluses and minuses to the things we choose to do with our lives, but I have yet to see anything that has no plus and also nothing without a minus. Rob put it in the form of a business term, "opportunity cost." My opportunity cost of coming back to graduate was not being able to stay near Alan and my family; especially my constantly growing nieces and nephew.
Sometimes making these decisions in life scares us spitless while others excite us to no end. Is there any denying that no matter the outcome or the path taken, these decisions will forever more alter who we were?
This marathon of mine isn't even articulated as well as I had hoped I could. The title... well let's just say that it applies in so much as you want it to. I am not writing this post as council or to pursuade anyone. My thoughts as senioritis courses through my system, slowly taking control of all my faculties. I am not ready to give up this life yet. I'm so happy with the family I have established here in the islands. Drama is very much a part of this family, like any other nuclear family. Fraught with emotions and love, we push on. I will forever be changed for good because of them.
Also, remember to wear your sun screen. (;
I don't need sunscreen.
Vasu Chetty, at 10:41 PM
I didnt wear sunscreen the whole cruise unless you count the little bit in my moustirizer.
but yea life has alot of things and the oppurtunity cost are always the toughest. but the things we do do we have to make the best of.
Miss you already and i will call you soon. ^_^
E.Marie, at 5:45 AM
I am sure you don't need sunscreen Vasu, unless you actually want to avoid skin cancer.
We do have a lot of friend that are damp with dripping drama. Unfortunately, much has been missed as of late.
Alas, memento mori!
a man from Saipan, at 1:56 PM
Skin cancer? Oh well.
Vasu Chetty, at 1:27 AM
Just wanted to say that I miss you and am thinking of you.
Shaleen, at 7:30 AM
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