Birth of New Obsession
I figure, why not? So, I have this need to express myself and allows others, friends and strangers included, to view and peak at the deep recesses of my mind to see what makes me tick. Well.... some things do cause me to get more worked up than others, but that's something that'll be revealed once this silly thing gets put into motion. Welcome one and all, to my new obsession.
Yay!!! You've been sucked into the realm of blogging!!! And I'm the first to comment! Talk about sweet action!! Well, I know that I'll definitely be a devoted fan, and I'll add a link on mine so that more poeples (yes, I meant to spell it that way) can check it. Long live the cowgirl!! :)
Shaleen, at 1:46 AM
Awww, I almost had the first comment.
Anyway, Amanda is extremely kind, funny, great to be around, and very good to have as a friend, so anyone who happens by should feel lucky.
Anonymous, at 1:52 AM
This is Cliff, by the way.
Anonymous, at 2:02 AM
Wow, you two you're too kind. Thanks so much for your fanship? fanhood? fandom? Well anyway, thanks and I hope this blog doesn't bore or scare you or anyone else for that matter away. :D
Amanda/Mandie, at 2:04 AM
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